
Creative Office Conversion PDX

Town Center Loop West, Wilsonville, OR, USA
Property Type
Office Building
24 months > Term
Appraised Value
$4,250,000 Appraised Value /

About this Property

This project is currently a retail space in Wilsonville’s rapidly growing Towncenter Loop W corridor. New zonings have made this a favorable place for office space and I plan to turn this empty shell into a creative office. I currently have the property tied up in Escrow and will be closing with bank financing. However, I will need a construction loan to cover the costs of the conversion and cover carrying costs until the property gets leased up and stabilizes.

Listing Details

  • Term: 24 months
  • Appraised Value: $4,250,000
  • LTV: 70%
  • Status: Vacant
  • Property Type: Office Building
  • Purchase Price?: $4,000,000
  • Listing Type: Commercial
  • ARV: $11,000,000
  • Pro Forma NOI: $744,000
  • Building Size: 31,000 sqft
  • Land Area: 1.5 Acres
  • Occupancy: n/a
  • Experience: 5-9 Deals
  • Number of Units: n/a
  • Date Purchased: Jan. 2020


  • Loan Amount: $3,000,000.00
  • Estimated Net Worth: $10,000,000
  • Estimated Income: $650,000

Client Information

  • Has the client used private money in the past?: Yes
  • Has the client had any banckruptcy in the last 5 years?: No
  • Client Background
  • The Borrower is a developer and has backing from investors to complete the project. The plan is to convert the building into office, relatively inexpensively, and lease it up quickly. Once stabilized they will refinance with bank financing, repay the debt, and hold the property.


Loan Purpose

  • Construction Loan


  • Developer
  • Investor

Listed by shah

Profile Status
Request to book
$3,000,000/Loan Amount
Loan Amount
Loan Purpose

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