
Beverly Hills Value-Add

Durant Drive, Beverly Hills, CA, USA
Property Type
24 months > Term
Appraised Value
$8,000,000 Appraised Value /

About this Property

I am purchasing these two properties who’s owner is about to default. They are located near Beverly Hills Highschool. I will be renovating them drastically and raising rents.

Listing Details

  • Term: 24 months
  • Appraised Value: $8,000,000
  • LTV: 60%
  • Status: vacant
  • Property Type: Multifamily
  • Purchase Price?: $5,000,000
  • Listing Type: Multifamily
  • ARV: $12,000,000
  • Pro Forma NOI: n/a
  • Building Size: n/a
  • Land Area: n/a
  • Occupancy: 0%
  • Experience: 1-4 Deals
  • Number of Units: 15
  • Date Purchased: February 2020


  • Loan Amount: $3,000,000.00
  • Estimated Net Worth: $10,000,000
  • Estimated Income: $450,000

Client Information

  • Has the client used private money in the past?: Yes
  • Has the client had any banckruptcy in the last 5 years?: No
  • Client Background
  • The client is a developer. He specializes in value-add deals similar to this. There is a project across the street of similar size that was recently remodeled and is commending very high rates. Down the street is the 10000 Santa Monica Apartment building which commends $12k for a 2b/2ba. The plan is here is to purchase the property quickly before the current owner defaults for a steep discount. Rearrange the unit mix of the property and add additional stories that are allowed by right, add amenities, and enhance the existing units. Once this is completed within 24 months he will arrange for traditional financing to refinance the property and pay-off the current lender.


Loan Purpose

  • Purchase


  • Developer

Listed by shah

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$3,000,000/Loan Amount
Loan Amount
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