
Financial Markets

New York Office Space

New York office space vacancy has been increasing over the past 2 years (based on statistics from Cushman & Wakefield). REITs that are focused on New York office space have already seen a large decline in stock prices; many are being priced less than their equity value in the real estate they own. One such […]

San Francisco: a Hotbed for Office Space

San Francisco is known as the tech capital of the U.S. A majority of the most well-funded startups are based in and around the city, and have been for decades. Office space here is in such demand that the vacancy rate is a mere 6.4%/year. As a result, many developers solely build office space in […]

Warner Center: What’s all the Hype About?

If you haven’t heard already, Warner Center has released a 2035 plan which plans to turn the 1.5 square mile district in Woodland Hills into a mini, and more upscale, DTLA. There are more than 24,000 residential units and 28 million square feet of office and retail spaces opening up before 2035. We’ve seen a […]

Buyer’s vs. Seller’s Market

When it comes to buying a home, most people know: “Location, Location, Location”. We at Scout, however, disagree — it’s actually the time that you’re buying. If we lived in a perfect vacuum where the market stayed stagnant then we’d agree, but timing is simply a more important factor of real estate investing than location. […]

Incentives – Why They Might be the Cause of the Next Financial Crisis.

Thanks to the book and movie The Big Short, more people are familiar with why the economy collapsed in 2008. However, a lot of people still don’t understand the fundamental issue that caused the largest mortgage default in history – incentives. At a high level, the housing market collapsed because too many people took on […]

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