
Office Building in Beverly Hills

South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA, USA
Property Type
Office Building
24 months > Term
Appraised Value
$25,000,000 Appraised Value /

About this Property

Purchasing this office building in Beverly Hills. I have acquired the land below the building and have now negotiated a deal with the owners of the building as their land lease is expiring in 15 years. The land was purchased for $5mm and the building will be purchased for $8mm. Together they are worth $25mm. I plan to also update the office units inside, as well as add two stories to the building.

Listing Details

  • Term: 24 months
  • Appraised Value: $25,000,000
  • LTV: 32%
  • Status: vacant
  • Property Type: Office Building
  • Purchase Price?: $10,000,000
  • Listing Type: SFR
  • ARV: $45,000,000
  • Pro Forma NOI: $2,150,000
  • Building Size: 42,000sqft
  • Occupancy: 0%
  • Number of Units: n/a
  • Date Purchased: 2010


  • Loan Amount: $8,000,000.00
  • Estimated Net Worth: n/a
  • Estimated Income: n/a

Client Information

  • Has the client used private money in the past?: Yes
  • Has the client had any banckruptcy in the last 5 years?: No
  • Client Background
  • The strategy is as follows. The client plans to purchase the building with the capital. Within the 24 months, they will use their own capital to add 2 floors and redevelop the interior of the property. After that time they will Refi/cash out with traditional financing at a valuation estimated at $45mm. Upon the refi, they will repay the loan.


Loan Purpose

  • Development
  • Purchase
  • Value Add


  • Developer

Listed by shah

Profile Status
Request to book
$8,000,000/Loan Amount
Loan Amount
Loan Purpose

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